12 Tribes,  Reflections

Tithing the year…

This is what He said, what He wanted for me at the first of this year,
was to give to Him the first of the year,
“…the tithe of time for this year“.

36 days! One tenth of 365…

 I counted it – all the way to February 5th (or 6th).

 10 days in I know how easy it is to fail…

 which is always the reason I fall on grace.

 I NEED grace continually –
the walk of faith means walking in recognition of my constant need for Him,
returning to Him anew, every moment I find that I have strayed from His side…

And my creativity is to be His (I believe He guides this anyway); I am to attempt to share more of how these twelve tribes reflect His love and promises towards us….36 days. 3 x 12. The numbers even tell a story – “3” the Triune God and “12” – the people who became the nation that displayed
His worship,

His will,

His kindness,

His covenant,

 His promises,

 His redemption.

The nation which would bring the Messiah to the world…

  It’s not too late…

 would you like to tithe the time with me?

Tomorrow begins the deeper reflection over these twelve tribes…