Photoshop,  Texture Tuesday

Simple Woman’s Daybook + Texture Tuesday

Today is a different input to “Simple Woman’s Daybook” – a list of simple things that are important to me – every day…
Processed with Pioneer Woman’s “Old West” action (adjusted to be less yellow) and one layer of Kim Klassen’s “Reverie” set at colorburn – love the vintage dreamy effect!

There are so many favorite everyday moments!
Each small event, each hour, each little happening
– these are what builds a life –
which moment is my favorite of the day? I pick…the moment I am in!
Waking up and finding hubby to say “good morning”,
heading down the steps to make the coffee
checking to make sure his favorite cup is clean…
chit chat about nothing before he leaves for work
him checking for hummingbirds at the feeder
cleaning the dishes – the quiet space created around a suds filled sink
sweet tweener waking up to start her next day of summer
(bed head and all – and yes, smelling all sweet and cuddly like a newborn)
reading emails
taking the little white dog for a walk and finding all the bunnies still out eating greens…

and that takes us to about 9 a.m.!

Knowing that I have air conditioning to face the rest of the day with
how Pierre the white cat looks just being lazy on the porch glider
the toads hopping around as I water the flower bed by the garage
reading morning devotions delivered to my inbox
finding the next {Kim Klassen} or {Beyond Layers} email in my inbox…
(and then it is time to plan the evening meal – cooking is not a favorite!)

Enjoying the Lord’s blessings,
not taking them for granted,
giving thanks for this moment in time…

Connecting with the Texture Tuesday link-up here


Simple Woman’s Daybook here