When you need a little piece of inspiration to make it through…
A piece of inspiration I read today on another’s blog here: The inspiring character in the book described is determined to grasp hold of life’s magical moments and never to let them slip through her fingers. And her prayer is beautiful prayer–to live life intentionally and with passion: “‘Dear God,’ she prayed, ‘let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry . . . have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere–be deceitful. Let me be truthful; let me…
New Perception Creative Prompt
What is your perception of God?
What is your perception of God? Or Jesus? Since we tend to build our spiritual lives around our perception of God, it is important to know what that perception is! In the last post I wrote about how Jesus desires to heal us, to bind-up the broken hearted…and laid the foundation of inviting His Healing Presence into the pain of our lives… But the fact is, pain (particularly emotional pain) often skews our perception of the real Jesus. If we have a skewed perception, how can we hold our heart open to Him, let alone invite Him in to heal it? Indeed, we may even hold Him responsible for the…
How Jesus Heals
What better way to launch this website than to make this first post about the character and nature of Jesus when it comes His active role in “binding up the broken-hearted” – or in more contemporary terms…”to bandage or tie up that which has been crushed, maimed, crippled, wrecked, shattered, or broken into pieces”… Are you feeling that way lately? Today? Have you felt that way in the past? Listen carefully, this crushing WAS NOT from Him! I love the “Love Comes Softly” series of movies that play on the Hallmark Channel…and this one quote (from the first one), sums up so well the paradox of pain and promise we…